I went to a dairy farm in 2019 and saw what was happening. The cows had time in the pasture, however, when I asked what happened to the male calves, I was told, without any remorse, "veal." Two months later, I became a vegan, and this experience, not just that comment but also learning more about the impregnating process, was enough to get me to give up cheese (I stopped eating meat as a child). So many people are lactose intolerant because humans are not meant to consume milk from other animals. With plant milks increasingly available, there are alternatives. Steering (no pun intended) people away from dairy will hurt a lot of small farmers, so we need to provide subsidies and help them transition to different work. This is a daunting task that will meet massive resistance, but we have to start somewhere, and letting people know the cruel realities of dairy farming is a good start. Thanks for writing this.